OBIEE Step by Step Guide

October 5, 2009

OBIEE Startup and Shutdown Scripts

After having reviewed so many blogs and scripts for “Automatic Startup and Shutdown Scripts for OBIEE Services”, I ended up finally with my own version of these scripts and would like to share them with the world.

Startup Script:

@echo off
cd C:\Windows\system32
net start /wait /i “sawjavahostsvc”
echo “Started Java Host”
net start /wait /i “Oracle BI Server”
echo “Started BI Server”
net start /wait /i “sawsvc”
echo “Started Presentation Server”
net start /wait /i “Oracle BI Scheduler”
echo “Started Scheduler”
START C:\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\bin\oc4j.cmd -start
echo ” OC4J Started”
REM echo “Press Enter to exit the program”

Similarly, for shutting down OBIEE services here is what I ended up with

@echo off
cd C:\Windows\system32
net stop “Oracle BI Scheduler”
echo “Stopped Scheduler”
net stop “sawsvc”
echo “Stopped Presentation Server”
net stop “Oracle BI Server”
echo “Stopped BI Server”
net stop “sawjavahostsvc”
echo “Stopped Java Host”
REM START “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\bin\java.exe -jar C:\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 oc4jadmin oc4jadmin -shutdown force”
REM echo “Stopped OC4J”
echo “Press Enter to exit the window”

Most of these scripts are self-explanatory and the only interesting point of concern is the order in which we start the services.

Once again, its “Java Host” first, followed by “Bi Server” and then “Presentation Services” and finally “OC4J” while starting the services.

Can the OC4J be started earlier than the “Presentation Services”. Possibly “Yes”.

While shutting down, just follow the reverse order from the startup. Shutdown Presentation Services, BI Server and then the Java Host. How about OC4J? Just stick it in the middle like how I have done above in my scripts..

Until next time.. Kudos to all OBIEE evangelists..

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